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GST Report Includes Direct Payments of GST to ATO

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 4:22 pm
by COBS Tech Support
This issue is discussed in Version 13 and beyond in the Release Notes.

You can remove the inclusion of these payments from yor reporting, by following these steps:

1. Locate the file COMPANY.INI found in your ..\CAPTIAL\<data> folder.

This might be called something like D:\CAPITAL\MYFIRM\COMPANY.INI or similar.

2. Double click on this file to open it. And add this line under the section [Tax]

Code: Select all

If you can't find a section called [Tax] then add both lines to the file at the very bottom of the file:

Code: Select all

3. Save the changes, and re-run the report and confirm everything is back to the way it was previously.