Moving to Multi-Locations From an Existing Single Location

COBS Tech Support
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Moving to Multi-Locations From an Existing Single Location

Post by COBS Tech Support »

If you have been operating a business with a single location but now wish to establish one or more additional locations, i.e., a new branch or related business, the following tasks should be performed:

* Turn On Multi-location settings via Customise Area
* Create Locations for your existing business and the new branch
* Assign Your Existing Stock to your newly created Location
* Transfer stock as applicable to your new Location

The following instructions assume Enterprise or Corporate Editions of CAPITAL Business Manager.

NOTE: You must have administrator rights to the software in order to be able to perform the following tasks.

Turn On Multi-location settings via Customise Area

1. Launch Business Manager
2. Click on "Maintenance" (bottom left corner of software main window)
3. Click On Customise Icon
4. From the menu select Install Settings|Stock Control...
5. Tick Multi-Location Stock Control and Permit Multi-Locations Per Transaction
6. Press Save
7. Exit the software

NOTE: The above configuration changes will not take effect until all users have logged out of the software. You will need to ensure this has occurred before proceeding to the next step.

Create Locations for your existing business and the new branch

1. Launch Business Manager
2. From the main menu select Company|Department
3. Press Add
4. Assign a department/location code to your current location and include a short descriptive name for the location

NOTE: Location codes may be up to 8 characters long. Possible example codes include 1, 2, 3, etc. States, i.e., NSW, VIC, WA, and so on.

5. Tick Manage Links
6. Press Save
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for your second location
8. Repeat steps 3-6 as applicable for any additional locations
9. Press Close

Assign Your Stock to your newly created Location

Now that you have activated multi-location stock control and have created your locations, you will need to assign all of your existing inventory to your main location. I.e., Location 1.

NOTE: Before proceeding, you should first ensure that there is no information stored in your Location field found in Stock Control that you wish to retain. If you have used this field for other purposes (not Location tracking) you will need to move the data contained in this field to elsewhere on your stock record where applicable. The Location field should be set to blank (contain no information) for each record in stock control.

IMPORTANT: The following steps perform a global change on your stock data. You must create a back-up of your data before proceeding further.

1. Launch Business Manager
2. Click on "Maintenance" (bottom left corner of software main window)
3. Click on Maintain Icon
4. Click on Stock Locations button
5. In the New Location field enter the Location code you have assigned to your main location, i.e., 1.
6. Set Action to Move
7. Press Update

All stock in your system should now be assigned to your main location code. If any stock items were not assigned your main location code (because your Location field contained other information), set them manually to your main Location code where applicable, by editing those records.

Transfer existing stock as applicable to your new Location

The final step is to transfer stock to your new branch location as applicable. The quickest way to perform this task is to create a stock transfer.

1. Launch Business Manager
2. From the main menu select Transactions|Stock Transfers...
3. In the Code field specify your new Location field.

NOTE: This is the Location where you wish to move stock to.

4. Click on the Charges/Settings tab.
5. In the Transfer From field enter your existing (main) Location code.
6. Click on the Items tab.
7. Enter the stock items and quantities you wish to transfer here.

NOTE: This procedure is equivalent to entering any other transaction, such as an invoice or purchase order.

8. Save the transaction when all items and quantities have been entered.
9. Press In Transit tab button.
10. Select the stock transfer you have just created (if not already selected) and press the Receive button (found directly below the horizontal tab buttons).
11. Tick All Items Have Arrived.
12. Press Update

NOTE: Inventory records at your new location will automatically be created.

For more than one new Location, repeat the above steps where applicable for each.

After Transitional Period

It is best practice to ensure that operators of the software may only invoice, purchase, etc., stock items from a single location per individual transaction. Mixing stock items from multiple locations onto a single transaction can hide inventory errors and introduce additional tracking challenges.

However, since transactions prior to your switch from single location to multiple location were not assigned any location, in order to edit these older transactions, it will be necessary to allow this behaviour.

When the need to edit older transactions in the system has passed, the following steps are recommended:

1. Launch Business Manager
2. Click on "Maintenance" (bottom left corner of software main window)
3. Click On Customise Icon
4. From the menu select Install Settings|Stock Control...
5. Untick Permit Multi-Locations Per Transaction
6. Press Save
7. Exit the software

NOTE 1: Changes do not take effect until all users have logged out and the software has restarted.

NOTE 2: To run historical sales and other types of reports, it may be necessary to blank the Department field as older transactions will not be assigned a department code.