Upgrading From Earlier Versions to CAPITAL 7.4

COBS Tech Support
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Upgrading From Earlier Versions to CAPITAL 7.4

Post by COBS Tech Support »

If you will be utilizing the new quotation quantity tracking features of CAPITAL, a Stock Recalculation should be performed in order to update quoted quantity values in your stock database.

Several important changes have been made to CAPITAL's security system. These include the following:

* Viewing the Quick System Overview now requires 'Business Analysis' viewing rights. Business Analysis is a new category added to user's security profiles. For more information on security profiles consult the topic: Security.

* The ability to recalculate Hire Manager and Service Manager job card balances now requires 'Administrator Functions' editing rights.

* Diagnostic menu functions now also require 'Administrator Functions' editing rights.

* If you use the Departmental Sales/Expenditure Performance Report, the Expense Listing Report, the Trading Statement or the BAS Assist Report in conjunction with CAPITAL's general ledger you must now assign the classification 'expense' to all general ledger codes that you wish to include under the operating expenses totals that appear on this report. Please follow these steps to do this:

1. From the CAPITAL main menu select Section|General Ledger.
2. Select from the CAPITAL GL Controller main menu maintenance|General Ledger Codes
3. Locate your first general ledger 'expense' account.
4. Highlight the expense account and press the EDIT button.
5. Next to Classification select Expense.
6. Press OK
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for every expense account in your general ledger.
8. When you have updated all expense accounts press the LEAVE button.
9. From the main menu select File|Exit to return to CAPITAL Office.

* The operational behaviour of the Portional Pricing System has changed. Adding portional lengths through the Manage Properties screen will now result in an increase in the equivalent physical holding stock. Deleting or editing entries on this screen will now result in adjustments to physical holding stock also. When the Portion Cutter is used, off-cut quantities that are no longer tracked by the Portional Pricing System also now decrements the physical stock level.

This behavioural change also affects security. In previous versions of CAPITAL, physical stock levels were not altered when portional pricing entries were added, deleted or edited. In CAPITAL 7.4, in order to be able to make changes to portional pricing entries, security access to permit altering of physical stock must now be granted.

To restore the behaviour of the system as per Version 7.3 or earlier, add the following to the file Company.ini found in your CAPITAL company folder where you wish to have the old behaviour restored:


* Security restrictions now apply to form creation and editing using Visual Builder in CAPITAL 7.4 and above. To allow a user to edit forms, you must now access the user's profile and specify access permission under the 'Visual Builder' settings row. For more information on this subject consult the topic: Security.