Troubleshooting Visual Builder Blank Page Printing
Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 11:33 am
In situations where Visual Builder prints blank pages after a form or report is finished, review the following checklist:
Are there multiple body objects defined on the form or report, but one or more of these objects contains no linked field objects?
Solution: From the main menu select Edit|Body Management and delete any unused body objects.
Are objects making contact with the anchor margins?
Turn off the anchor margins if they are not needed or move the field or text objects on the form inside the margin area. To turn off anchor margins select File|Page Set-up and enter 0 (zero) in the Top, Bottom, Left and Right fields.
Do you have a report that has a table definition in the Parent Body?
Unlike forms, reports usually do not require table definitions in the Parent Body and these should be left blank. To clear table definitions, select Edit|Form Properties, click on the Links tab, and spacebar out the contents of the Main field.
Are any field or text objects outside the page area?
Zoom out until the entire page area easily fits on your screen. Click on a field or text object and then press the TAB key to move to each field in turn. Does any object appear outside the page area? If so, press the Delete key to remove it. Or drag it into the page area with your mouse.
Are there multiple body objects defined on the form or report, but one or more of these objects contains no linked field objects?
Solution: From the main menu select Edit|Body Management and delete any unused body objects.
Are objects making contact with the anchor margins?
Turn off the anchor margins if they are not needed or move the field or text objects on the form inside the margin area. To turn off anchor margins select File|Page Set-up and enter 0 (zero) in the Top, Bottom, Left and Right fields.
Do you have a report that has a table definition in the Parent Body?
Unlike forms, reports usually do not require table definitions in the Parent Body and these should be left blank. To clear table definitions, select Edit|Form Properties, click on the Links tab, and spacebar out the contents of the Main field.
Are any field or text objects outside the page area?
Zoom out until the entire page area easily fits on your screen. Click on a field or text object and then press the TAB key to move to each field in turn. Does any object appear outside the page area? If so, press the Delete key to remove it. Or drag it into the page area with your mouse.