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Calculating & Reviewing CAPITAL Corporate Server Setting

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 11:24 am
by COBS Tech Support
It is important to configure and then review the Advantage Database Server's database configuration settings in order to avoid client side run-time error messages or poor or less than optimal system performance.

To access these configuration settings, from the server computer's Start menu select:

All Programs
Advantage Database Server
ADS Configuration Utility

Click on the Configuration Utility tab button.

Number of Connections

Assuming a 25 user site, calculating this number as 3 times the number of users who will be accessing the software simultaneously. E.g.,

25 x 3 = 75

Number of Work Areas

Assuming a 25 user site, calculate this as 60 times the number of users who will be accessing the software simultaneously. E.g.,

25 x 60 = 1500

Number of Tables

The recommended setting is 120 times the number of companies the business operates. If the company accesses 3 different companies, then the calculation would be:

120 x 3 = 360

Number of Index Files

The recommended setting is 150 times the number of companies the business operates. If the company accesses 3 different companies, then the calculation would be:

150 x 3 = 450

Number of Data Locks

The recommended setting is 40000.

Miscellaneous Settings

It should also be noted that if the "Worker Thread" count "Configured" reaches "Current" then under the Configuration Utility tab, Misc Settings, the "Number of Worker Threads" should be increased by one, to allow for better response times for individual users.

Settings Review

The above setting should be reviewed 7, 30 and 60 days after installation or when significant changes to user access to the database occurs. Settings may be increased or decreased based on actual usage, which is reported under the Max Used column on the console. Plenty of safety margin should always be added to ensure that client applications do not experience errors when accessing the database.