How To Change a SAP SQL Advantage Licence Key

COBS Tech Support
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How To Change a SAP SQL Advantage Licence Key

Post by COBS Tech Support »

1. Locate the program ADSSTAMP.EXE

Note: This is typically installed in your Windows\Program Files folder. However, during installation a user may have installed it elsewhere.

2. Run ADSSTAMP.EXE and press the Licence button.

3. Enter your new Serial Number and Validation Code.

4. Ensure that "I have a product validation code" is selected and press Next button.

5. Update the Registered Owner if necessary and press Next button.

6. Press Exit to complete the process.

For changes to take affect it may be necessary to either reboot your server or run the ADS_CFG.EXE program and stop and restart the SQL service. The ADS_CFG.EXE program should be located in the same folder as the ADSSTAMP.EXE program.