Example: Creating Lookups Using Form Functions

COBS Tech Support
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Example: Creating Lookups Using Form Functions

Post by COBS Tech Support »

The following script demonstrates how to include look-up lists using the Form***() CBS functions.

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Declare aTable Type Array
Declare aHeader Type Array
aTable := { { "TEST1", "TEST2", FALSE }, { "TEST3", "TEST4", TRUE } }
aHeader := { { "Header 1", 10, 1 }, { "Header 2", 10, 1 }, { "Tick", 4, 3 } }

* The Lookup function should have nPasteFrom specified when used with an Array
* Lookup(aTable,1,, "Test Title",, aHeader)
Declare cLook Type Character
cLook := 'Lookup(aTable,1,, "Test Title",, aHeader)'

* This lookup button will have a script error after it is clicked the second time
FormAdd("Test No. 1", "", 25, "LookUp Test 1", , cLook)

* This lookup button will work okay after being clicked more than once
* The Headers array is given explicitly in the LookUp script, rather than passing in a CBS Array variable name
cLook := 'Lookup({ { "TEST1", "TEST2", FALSE }, { "TEST3", "TEST4", TRUE } }, 1, , "Test Title", , { { "Header 1", 10, 1 }, { "Header 2", 10, 1 }, { "Tick", 4, 3 } })'
FormAdd("Test No. 2", "", 25, "LookUp Test 2", , cLook)