GST Report Includes Direct Payments of GST to ATO

COBS Tech Support
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GST Report Includes Direct Payments of GST to ATO

Post by COBS Tech Support »

This issue is discussed in Version 13 and beyond in the Release Notes.

You can remove the inclusion of these payments from yor reporting, by following these steps:

1. Locate the file COMPANY.INI found in your ..\CAPTIAL\<data> folder.

This might be called something like D:\CAPITAL\MYFIRM\COMPANY.INI or similar.

2. Double click on this file to open it. And add this line under the section [Tax]

Code: Select all

If you can't find a section called [Tax] then add both lines to the file at the very bottom of the file:

Code: Select all

3. Save the changes, and re-run the report and confirm everything is back to the way it was previously.