Release V13r2

Release V13r2
  • A total of 106 new or updated help topics. (For V13 overall.)
  • The Cash Manager Currency Revaluation tool now generates a report showing how the new balance in local currency was derived.
  • It is now possible to add or untick invoice transactions billed through a job card. (Requires Service Manager component.)
  • When transferring goods from purchase orders onto job cards It is now possible to transfer the purchase order cost price instead of the stock item’s average or standard cost. (Requires Service Manager component.)
  • It is now possible to revise the freight charge on a Sales Order without having to re-save it via the Back Order Control Centre, View|Transaction Details option.
  • You may now present an alert, or block assignment of, product items that do not have assigned cost values when invoicing, quoting or entering sales orders. This may be further restricted to purchasing related transactions.
  • You may now limit ABC Stock Analysis rankings to specific product locations. (Requires Enterprise or Corporate Edition.)
  • New Copy (existing transaction) and Reverse (existing transaction) operations added to Cash Manager.
  • Costing stock using Standard Costing method has been revised and upgraded.
  • Users may now select their preferred font for ‘System’ notes.