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2021, 23rd of March - 23rd of August CAPITAL Software, Release 12 (B40) Available Now!
© 1985-2021 CAPITAL Office Business Software

CAPITAL Office Business Software is pleased to announce that CAPITAL Release 12 is now

available for general download for users with service cover.

Highlights of CAPITAL Release 12 SP1 include:

CAPITAL Business Manager

CBS scripting language now includes functions to manipulate and manage JSON data objects in preparation for the introduction of CAPITAL Web Services for V13. Copy (stock kit) button added to Stock Kit Management area for improved kit copy functionality. You may now set whether to have the system automatically offer to allocate unallocated payments or credits after entering invoices when pre-payment management is activated. (In prior versions this prompting could not be turned off.) You may now directly import customer or supplier product codes from data files such as spreadsheets. When delivering purchase orders it is now possible to place your related supplier invoice on or off hold, as required. For example, you may wish to put it on hold if you have only received a delivery docket and need to confirm your delivery against the actual invoice later on. Prior release of R12: This initial release is primarily a roll-up and service pack for V8 Release Xi, new features are described below.

CAPITAL Business Manager

You may now use the Text Search function (ALT+F) on grids to search for and match transaction numbers. An ETA status function has been added to the Back Order Control Centre to allow you to provide estimates to your customers on stock availability for your back orders. For information on this subject consult your help topic: Stock ETA's. An optional ‘ETA’ column has been added to sales orders, quotations and purchase orders. You may now send back order status updates directly to your customers from within the Back Order Control Centre as PDF’s, by pressing the Status Update button. Status updates are customisable form templates, so besides including order numbers, dates, order value and the quantities on back order, they may also include expected time of arrival of stock and other information of interest of your choosing. When printing pick lists you may now limit pick lists to back orders that have been partially allocated or fully allocated stock, simply by selecting a suitable option. (There is no longer the need to amend your pick list form template for different situations, and then use combinations of different form templates.) You may now print or email, or print and email, when releasing invoices from the Back Order Control Centre. The Back Order Control Centre now tracks the pick list print date and time. To view if or when a picklist was last generated, add the 'Print Date' and 'Print Time' columns to the Back Order Items list. It is now possible to update customer required dates, and/or your internal forward allocate dates, in bulk per order, using the Back Order Allocation tool. You may now maintain the same average cost across multiple locations for the same product item. Record locking protocols have been improved for Sales Orders, Invoices, and Quotations. It is now possible to raise and save transactions while stock items are being edited and therefore ‘locked’. In previous versions editing prevented transactions referencing those items from being saved. Updates are now buffered, and date and quantity adjustments are made after stock record editing is completed. While it is generally not recommended to edit stock records and place orders, quotes, or invoice them at the same time, it is now possible to perform such tasks simultaneously. The internal SMTP (email) communications libraries have been updated to be compliant with the latest industry standards. It is now possible to assign a product type to your inventory. Default types include Standard, Special Order and Discontinued. Your own types may be added. The Cancel Transactions tool allows you to cancel old transactions in the system that remain open. Use this tool to tidy up Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Quotations, Return Authorities, Stock Transfers or Requisitions that were never closed. When location access security is active, users may now be assigned access for up to 9 locations, an increase from 6 in previous releases. Checkout Mode added as a new keyboard mode for standard transaction input. Useful when you wish to do single item scanning in similar fashion to a supermarket self serve check-out and do not wish to operate CAPITAL Touch Point of Sale. When a supplier account is opened the date of creation is now automatically stored against the account's record. Transaction menus now include a Display Account Notes Reminders & Alerts When Opening option, found under the Options menu.

CAPITAL Server Agent

CAPITAL Server Agent has been enhanced with new service options such as scheduled back-up and periodic cashbook recurring transaction posting.

CAPITAL Office Business Software is pleased to announce that CAPITAL Release 12 B40 is now

available for general download for users with service cover.

Highlights of CAPITAL Release 12 (B40) include: Archive Wizard is a new tool that can be used to extract redundant data out of different parts of your system. Areas of your system that can be archived include: Cash Manager Customer Accounts Customer Transactions General Ledger Prior Years Hire Agreements Inactive Stock Purchase Orders Quotations Redundant System Files Requisitions Return Authorities Sales Orders Service Job Cards Stock Assemblies Stock Receipts Stock Returns Stock Transfers Supplier Accounts Supplier Transactions It is now possible to allocate multiple payments and credits in one step using the newly improved payment/credit allocation tool. A new more powerful Stock Requirements Forecasting system has been introduced. The forecasting tool allows you to forecast demand for your inventory using a variety of statistical methods. Selecting 'Best Fit' tells the Forecasting tool to compare your historical usage against available forecasting techniques. The most accurate forecasting method, based on available data, is then automatically assigned to your stock item. Statistical methods available include: o Simple Historical Average o Weighted Historical Average o Simple Trend o Exponential Smoothing o Seasonality o Seasonality with Trend (Requires Enterprise or Corporate Editions.) Secure desktop mode may now be limited to users according to their security access level. This now permits users to be given limited file system access according to their assigned security access level. Users will now be alerted with a tool-tip when raising purchase orders if the stock being ordered is already on order. Copy (stock kit) button added to Stock Kit Management area for improved kit copy functionality. It is now possible when copying a stock kit, to copy an entire kit to a new stock location. General Ledger Period Access Management now tracks when accounting periods have been posted to and whether accounting periods require reposting using the End Period Wizard. Now simply select Open Year from the General Ledger and check for ‘red flags’ against periods that require reposting. Connectivity commands have been added to the CBS scripting language to retreive or move your data onto WordPress / WooCommerce websites.
2020, 19th of November, 2020 - 17th of December, 2020 CAPITAL Software, Release 12 Available Now!