COMPATIBILITY•Touch-screen•Mouse•Graphics tablet•Topaz Signature Pads TRANSACTION LIST•Invoices•Credit Notes•Sales Orders•Purchase Orders•Quotations•Return Authorities•Stock Returns•Stock Receipts•Stock Transfers•Requsitions REPRINTING•Use the CAPITAL Visual Builder Form Design tool to include signatures on linked documents which can then be emailed directly.
•Easily configurable•Stores and captures encrypted signature files automatically•Attach one or multiple digital signature files to the transactions of your choice.•Include signatures on documents and forms such as invoices, using the CAPITAL Visual Builder form design tool.•Automatically records logged in user at time of capture.•Enter the customer or signer’s name against signature and store on file.•The system date and time is recorded against the signature file.•Easily view, delete or add more signatures to your transaction document.•Simple ‘clear’ and redo process
Digital Document Signing
Sign documents such as invoices, quotations, sales orders, purchase orders, receipts, transfers and return authorisations, using either your mouse, touchscreen or a graphics tablet. Or a dedicated digital signature capture device such as a Topaz Signature Pad.
Show signature on pad (subject to model) and on-screen as signing occurs.